Pet parents consider their pets as part of the family and they want to give them the best nutrition. They are no longer satisfied with the traditional solutions, which are highly processed, and they are moving to healthier solutions, such as frozen and dehydrated food. However, they are very inconvenient, and they require a preparation process before every meal.
Kibus is a home appliance that cooks healthy pet food automatically, using multidose capsules of human-grade dehydrated food. It allows pet parents to feed their pets on a healthy and natural diet in a convenient way. As it is minimally processed, it keeps the nutrients and flavors from the fresh ingredients. It has a great taste and it has been proven that feeding pets on a minimally processed diet expand their lifespan by more than 30%.

There are almost 500 million dogs and cats in the world consuming every year more than 80 bn € in pet food. The alternative solutions are the category with the highest growth in the industry (+50%) despite its inconvenience.
Our model consists of selling both the device and the pet food capsules. We have been conceded a utility model in Spain which is being expanded into a world patent.

Kibus is competing with home-made food and with both the traditional and the alternative solutions. It also competes with pet feeders, which are on the rise. However, they only dose traditional food whilst Kibus is cooking warm and healthy food.
September 2018
Utility model conceded
November 2018
120k € in private investment
January 2019
125k € in public grants
February 2019
Awards: Netmentora, Acció, etc.
March 2019
Brinc acceleration & IQS university
April 2019
First working prototype
May 2019
Lanzadera & Nestlé Purina Program
